Patients are welcome to phone between 10am and 12noon to request their results from a nurse. They can select option 3 on our phone system which goes through to our nurse. If the nurse is already on another call, please leave a voicemail and the nurse will return your call as soon as they can.
In most cases, test results are normal, so if you do not hear anything from us, it generally means your results are normal. There are systems in place to ensure that any abnormal results are identified and acted upon; and a nurse or doctor will be in contact with you if the test results require follow up.
Patients are still welcomed to ring for results if they are anxious about the outcome, or if they urgently need to know the result to enable them to manage their condition. However, please note that some results can take up to a week to be processed and reported back to your doctor, so results may not be immediately available.